Sub-Regional Planning Meeting on Implementation of the BOBLME Project Organized
The objective of the Meeting was to give an overview of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME) project to the member countries of BOBP-IGO and to discuss the arrangements for the execution of the project. Representatives from Bangladesh, India, Maldives, and Sri Lanka joined with representatives from intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. Ms. K N Kumari Somarathne, Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources, Government of Sri Lanka inaugurated the meeting and highlighted the importance of the BOBLME project and the need for collaborative work. Ms. Angella Lentisco, FAO elaborated on the development of the project, past works and composition and expectations from the current project. Dr. P Krishnan, Director, BOBP-IGO presented the workplan of BOBP-IGO regarding project components on sustainable fisheries management, pollution control, and regional collaboration. He highlighted that the active involvement of the Government and other stakeholders in the project is necessary for its timely implementation. Ms. Maeve Nightingale, IUCN presented IUCN’s workplan on project components on marine managed areas, livelihoods and regional coordination. In the second technical session, Dr E Vivekanandan, BOBP-IGO explained that BOBLME is facing a cumulative loss of USD 240 billion in the next 25 years without proper management. The BOBLME project can help arrest that. He also highlighted the alignment of the project with SDGs. Representatives from Bangladesh, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka presented their country priorities and alignment with the project.